Also, if the manual removal instructions require you to go to Safe Mode, you will need full access so the virus protection can completely scan the computer. Some virus removal tools and manual removal instructions require you to log in as an administrator to properly remove the virus. Make sure you are logged in with administrator privileges when you install or uninstall any programs so everyone who logs into the computer will have a working copy of the software. You'll use it to create account passwords for others on the computer, and to change account names, pictures, passwords, and types. If you share your computer with others, you will need an administrative account to manage the individual accounts.
At IU, many tasks, including the following, require use of the administrator account: You should use the administrator account only when it's required for certain tasks at such times you'll need to know the administrator password.
On a computer, an administrator account or group has complete access to make system changes on that computer. About your device's administrator account